SaaS Application
Product Design
Project Deliverables
Responsive Market Place Page
XD | illustrator
AllJobs is The largest career and employment platform in Israel.
Over the last year I have been working on AllJobs SaaS platform, designing new pages such as:
- Product page template
- Purchase page- All Jobs VIP
- Landing page
- Banner, Lightbox and pop-up
- Market place
Let's dive into
Market place
The Challenge
AllJobs want to increase revenue by offering a wide range of services to customers.
The Solution
Building a marketplace and interactively offering additional services for job seekers
Secondary Navigation Menu
Easy access to relevant services and expose the user to wider range to gain more confident with AllJobs platform as a service provider.
Raising the brand
Placing AllJobs services next to strong brand's logos, such as insurance companies, harness the strength of their brand for the benefit of AllJobs services
Call to action to increase AllJobs SQLs (sales qualify leads) placed next to rich variety of services, offering professional services.
Color palette
Primary Colors
"Call to action" Colors