Mobile Application
Personal Projects Management App
UX | Personal Project
Figma | illustrator | Photoshop
The Problem
Self-actualization is to achieve one's full personal potential.
In our busy life style there are always so many things to do and little time to achieve them.
There are excellent tools to help us manage our tasks.
Why can't it be the same in our personal life?
The Solution
When everything is organized, there is room for new ideas.
Understating and efficiently accomplishing our mandatory personal tasks, will clear time for new ideas to achieve self-actualization.
This app is all about getting you there.
There are so many task applications on the market
Why don't we use them?
The best way to know your competitors is to try their product.
I downloaded the main apps available on the market and used them for a period of time for my own purposes.
It was interesting to see how each app addressed the same issue from a different point of view and a different approach.
The existing solutions address the issue as a shopping list, a check list for us to delete.
Google Keep
Any do
Tasks check list oriented with no project management.
Projects oriented. Data types other than text are hidden.
Google Keep
Great for free text, taking notes. With no project management.
Any do
Good for shopping list but has no option for hierarchy based on the importance of the job.
Questions to consider
Do all tasks have the same value?
Do we invest the same effort in each task?
Do all tasks consist a list of things we need to buy?
Key insights
User Interviews & Survey
"Personal tasks are much more complex than a shopping list."
Each task can have a different value to the same project.
Each task requires different types of content such as uploading photos, scheduling appointments and comparing prices...
The users are emotionally invested in some of the tasks.
Some tasks can take 5 minutes while another can take months.
Users manage more than 4 personal projects simultaneously.
Based on the research found in the discovery period of the project personas were developed.
Designing for them helped me in making informed design decisions, while keeping the end user always in mind.
Dana Sapir
Tel Aviv
Mother of four children
Physical therapist
Managing her personal tasks with
Personal projects
Father's retirement party
Living room renovation
Costumes for Purim
Summer vacation
Philanthropic charity
How can we help her?
Everything is scattered different media for each task
Gathering and Ordering tasks in one place
Offer varied types of data
"It never ends"
Control and status evaluation
Project status report
"Everything is important" difficult to prioritize
Efficiency, working first on what matters most
Set priority and value for each task
"I have to do everything"
Sharing responsibilities
Task assignment
Roei Cohen
Ramat Hasharon
Father of toddler
Software developer
Managing his personal tasks with
Google Keep
How can we help her?
"Can't recall what I did last time"
Reuse repeated tasks
Duplicate tasks
"I do what I must and not what I want"
Control and status evaluation
Project status report
"Can't find where I bought it"
Easy access to previous tasks
Search by tags
keep forgetting and missing tasks
Make time for hobbies
Remainders, due date and appointments